Addressing the
problems in Papua is a matter of political will
JANUARY 12, 2015
Andreas Harsono
Published in:

a Dec. 27-29 visit to the cities of Jayapura, Wamena and Sorong, the president
implicitly rejected the government’s unsuccessful and abusive twin-prong
governance strategy in Papua of development spending backed by an iron-fisted
security presence. Instead, Joko offered a vision of a more responsive and caring government.
know better than most Indonesians that talk is cheap and political reform
rhetoric even cheaper. So Joko ’s first test of more responsive and
rights-respecting governance in Papua is his follow-though on his pledge to
thoroughly investigate the killing of five peaceful protesters by Indonesian
security forces in the town of Enarotali on Dec. 8. Joko should
demonstrate his commitment to revealing what happened in Enarotali by
supporting a joint investigation by the National Commission on Human Rights (Komnas
HAM), to ensure that police and rights agency investigators can question
military personnel, including members of the 753rd Army battalion, who were
present during the incident. Joko can back up that investigation by deploying
the official Witness and Victim Protection Agency (LPSK)
to Enarotali to protect witnesses, victims, and victims’ families from possible
security force reprisals for cooperating with investigators.
president told Papuans on Dec. 27 that he wanted
the circumstances behind the shooting “solved immediately so it won’t ever
happen again in the future … as well as to find the root of the problems.” For
Joko’s convenience, the “root of the problems” in Papua is already well-documented. If his government
is serious about tackling the chronic human rights abuses and impunity that
have defined life in Papua for five decades, there are four immediate steps his
government can take that will have serious impact in addressing such
the president should lift official restrictions on access to Papua for
independent observers, including international journalists, donor agencies and
human rights organizations. Journalists and international nongovernmental
organizations seeking official permission to visit Papua currently require the
sign-off of 18 separate government agencies which meet weekly at the so-called
clearing house at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Those agencies, which
include the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) and the military intelligence body,
carefully vet all applications. Official approval for Papua visits requires all
18 agencies to be in unanimous agreement, an extremely rare occurrence. Joko’s
business background should teach him that any bureaucracy that demands 18
signatures for a single approval is as ludicrous as it is inefficient. That
application and approval process once prompted an ambassador to Jakarta to joke
that, “Even Jesus Christ cannot get the permit to go to Papua.”
Joko should put an end to the impunity that Indonesian security forces have
enjoyed in Papua for decades. The routinely heavy-handed response by security
forces to Papuans who exercise their rights of association and peaceful
expression has bred deep resentment among the local population. Although the
ongoing low-level armed conflict with the small and poorly organized Free Papua
Organization (OPM) places responsibilities on the government to ensure security
for the population, far too often Indonesian security forces have abused the
rights of Papuans with impunity.
Sept. 23, 2013, Indonesian security forces fired on a rock-throwing crowd in
the town of Waghete, killing a 17-year-old high school student and wounding at
least three others. The government failed to investigate the circumstances for
that apparently excessive use of force. In at least one case, personnel of the
same 753rd battalion convicted of abuses against Papuans were later promoted
after serving short jail terms. Second Lt. Cosmos, one of seven
soldiers convicted in 2010 by a Jayapura military
tribunal of torture that involved sexual
mutilation of a Papuan farmer, was subsequently promoted to first lieutenant
after his seven-month jail term.
theologian Benny Giay told Joko last month that
his challenge was to accomplish what all previous Indonesian presidents had
failed to do: Win “the hearts and minds of Papuans.” Joko could go a long
way toward that goal by releasing the 65 Papuan political prisoners currently
imprisoned on charges of “treason.” They include Filep Karma, a civil servant
who is serving 15 years for raising the Morning Star flag — a West Papua
independence symbol — in December 2004. Human Rights Watch takes no
position on the right to self-determination, but opposes imprisonment of people
who peacefully express support for self-determination. By releasing Filep, Joko
would be honoring the request made in 2011 by the United Nations Working Group on Arbitrary Detention calling
for his immediate and unconditional release.
Joko’s administration should order the Indonesian Military (TNI), including the
Special Forces (Kopassus), to cease the unlawful surveillance of peaceful
activists, politicians, and clergy immediately, and to ensure that civilian
authorities in Papua retain responsibility for basic law enforcement. That requires
Joko to address the chronic paranoia among military, intelligence and police
officers in Papua. A trove of official documents leaked
to the public in 2011 revealed that Kopassus deploys a vast network of Papuan
informants to spy on a broad swathe of Papuan political, traditional, and
religious leaders, and civil society groups. That surveillance is fueled by
official fears that nongovernmental organizations primarily work to discredit
the Indonesian government and the armed forces by using the “human rights
issue” to garner international condemnation of Indonesia’s military presence in
Papua and to promote Papuan independence. Joko needs to make it clear that such
paranoia and its related abuses are an unwanted throwback to Indonesia’s
authoritarian past that he won’t tolerate.
good news is that addressing the problems in Papua isn’t a matter of rocket
science. It’s a matter of political will and a commitment by his government to
protect the rights and freedoms of Papuans enshrined in Indonesia’s
constitution and international law.
have heard Joko’s promises. Now they’re waiting to see if he’s really
Harsono is a Human Rights Watch researcher based in Jakarta.
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